I forever will credit a horse named Senator with ‘saving me’ and changing my life. Less than a month after my dark phase I went with my housemate to her stables and she let me sit on her horse and led me around. I then went home, found Berkshire Riding Centre and booked my first lesson for the next week. I had ridden as a kid but hadn’t been on a horse in over 15 years. BRC is an incredible place for me. It’s so much more than a riding school it is my family and my escape from the real world. I have made so many friends there who are amazing. I love how I can go there after a crappy day and have a cuddle with a horse and a chat with staff or friends. It’s a truly special place and I can’t imagine life without it now. Senator was the first horse I rode there and from there I quickly went from one ride per weekend to riding every Saturday and Sunday. Within seven months I was loaning Senator and it was a bond I had never experienced before. He was so cuddly and brough...